Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Greetings :)
Today's PoD class, I presented my Assignment 4 (Columns, Baselines and Golden Ratio). I did 2 versions for each type of template design. During my presentation, I pointed out the Header, Sub-header and the placement of baselines, columns and the golden ratio. I'm happy with the width of the gutter for every layout but the margins for the Baseline layout could've been done clearer. Color wise, I personally think I've made quite a wrong choice for the content color because black fonts are easier to be read. 
I've done my work with Microsoft Word and printed them using the campus's printing machine at Block B. A big regret I had, not converting them to pdf files. Because the fonts and alignments turned out not what I wanted ): Bought mounting boards before going to the print shop actually, and pasted 2 of different printed articles onto a 20x30 mounting board, a total of 3 mounting boards for 6 printed articles. 3 mounting boards = RM15.
Microsoft Word has made my work much easier by providing the column system. And I also got too fancy over the pictures I've placed on the articles because I can't resist myself from adding styles on them like drop shadow/rounded corners/reflection etc >< I discovered a really cool font, ORATOR STD. It's applied to one of the articles. I'll update this blog with another post regarding how I've done my article, well, once I get home to use my computer. I'm currently in this cold, cold MacLab in the library. So please, stay tuned!
Overall, I'm pretty upset and unsatisfied with my work this time because #1, I should've started earlier although I started doing it on Saturday. But I should start doing on the day that the assignment. That way, more time is spent therefore more enhancements can be made. Because the more time you invest on an assignment, the better outcome you will achieve. #2, I was too overambitious over it. I'm sure everyone wants an A++ for their assignment, and for me, I overdid this assignment. I placed too may pictures for an article, made it too colorful, although I'd really like it to look aesthetic. But doing it this way, creates a blur line between reaching the goal of showing how much I understand what Columns, Baselines and Golden Ratio mean. Though, I truly understand how it works but overdoing it by making it look "not simple", doesn't clearly show the aim of this assignment. #3, I should always keep things simple and break my habit of adding unnecessary and extra things and also focus onto the right path!
I hope I've learnt my lesson this time.  And I also wish to get better grades the next time (~',')~ * ~('.'~) And well well, good news! We are given a second chance which I'm really happy about it - to redo your work! And I'll definitely make them simpler and less colorful this time. I should also be aware of the types of color I choose :) 

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